How To Conduct A Basic Home Security Audit in Napa
How well is your residence secured? That’s a standard question all residents ought to ask to ensure the protection of their family members and possessions. If you haven’t examined your property’s defense in quite a while, it may be time to conduct a home security audit in Napa. By following a few simple suggestions, you can uncover potential security weaknesses and take steps to address them. You might discover that investing in a modern home security system is your best move.
Take A Prowler’s Viewpoint By Evaluating Your Napa Property From The Outside
When appraising your home’s defense, you have to think like a thief. Scrutinize your residence from all sides and perform one test after dark and one during the day, as home invasions could take place at any hour. Use the ensuing questions to guide your home security audit in Napa:
- Are there dark areas along your property’s perimeter? A well-illuminated exterior is one theives will likely avoid. A few smartly situated lights will greatly help in securing your home. Besides, accent lights help you see at night and add a nice design element.
- Are your exterior structures appropriately protected? You wouldn’t want robbers to take the tools, lawn mowers, and other things you stow in exterior structures.
- Is your outdoor lighting operational? A dead backdoor light offers prowlers a cover of darkness and signals you might be lax about your security. Consider motion sensor lights or other, less-intrusive options that stay on in the evenings.
- Are your windows and doors secure? Make certain you don’t have a busted lock or latch by attempting to open doors and windows from the exterior.
- Is there excessive shrubbery around entry points? You should have an unblocked sightline of your property from inside. Utilize smaller plants below windows and keep them trimmed. Don’t use large shrubs around entry points like back doors.
- Do you utilize exterior surveillance? Exterior video surveillance is one of the leading crime deterrents you can employ. If you have them, ensure they are working and appropriately positioned.
Inspect Your Indoor Security Strategy
Door and window sensors are crucial in safeguarding your most vulnerable entrances. Motion detectors are also great to have if an intrusion takes place. If you already have these devices, ensure they are positioned well and working. This is also a great instance to check your safety implements like smoke and CO detectors.
You can boost protection with a modern, comprehensive system that alerts you any time a sensor trips through a convenient mobile app. You may even set lighting schedules and create custom actions like having inside lights turn on when a camera detects someone sneaking around outside.
Upgrade Your Home Security In Napa With Secure24 Alarm Systems
If your home security audit in Napa uncovers a few flaws that need resolving, turn to the pros at Secure24 Alarm Systems. We can help you personalize a complete home security package with exterior cameras, motion detectors, smart locking systems, and more. Ask us how you can automate your equipment to boost your security and convenience even more. Contact (707) 244-9280 today to get started.